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WAC Services


The WAC Coordinator provides one-on-one consultations and the WLC will provide you with feedback on your writing-infused courses. Email:


The WAC Coordinator offers workshops on a variety of topics including supporting multilingual students, designing assignments, conducting peer review, providing effective feedback and more. Check out this menu of workshops. 

WAC Pedagogy Group

Each semester a group of faculty meet weekly to read a book or a collection of articles on a particular topic. Past WAC Faculty Reading Groups have focused on working with multilingual students, supporting neurodiverse students, and research-based writing.  Look out for an invitation to join this group at the beginning of each semester. 

 WAC Faculty and Staff Writing Group

 Each semester the WAC program invites faculty and staff to participate in an accountability group. We meet weekly and commit to writing at least 15 minutes per day. This group works! Over 15 faculty have published articles and creative pieces that they worked on in this group. 

Wicked Fast WAC

Wicked Fast WAC sessions are 30 minute Zoom WAC workshops typically held on Fridays on topics such as Chat GPT as a teaching tool, providing effective and efficient feedback, and teaching students to work with sources ethically and effectively. 


Need help assessing learning outcomes? Student writing is an excellent artifact for assessing student learning. Contact the WAC Coordinator for support in designing an asessement plan that features student writing. 

Written and Oral Communication Plans

The following departments have developed written and oral communication plans: Hispanic Studies, GPS, Biology, Sports Medicine and Human Performance, and Environmental Science. To create these plans departments identify what they want students to be able to do as writers when they graduate and then they examine their curriculum to determine how to best ensure that students receive the necessary instruction and opportunities to practice in order to achieve these goals. Here is Biology's WOC plan

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